Built with during buildspace n&w s5 →

Automatically translate and dub your youtube videos with AI.

Translate to 29+ languages
Natural human-like voices
Unique voices for each speaker
Closed captions / SRT
Publish directly to YouTube
We'll launch on August 15 — in just 21 days! Hurry and join the waitlist to get priority access on launch.

How does it work?

Translation and dubbing with TransDub is so easy, it feels like cheating.


Import Video

We support importing via direct uploads, YouTube links, or directly linking your YouTube account.


Review Translations

We automatically transcribe & translate your video into the language of your choice. You can review and make any corrections you want.


Dub and Export

Export your video with the dubbed audio, including subtitles / SRT if you want to. You can also publish directly to YouTube.

This could help youtubers / creators enter different markets (countries) removing the language barrier and helping them reach a wider audience that otherwise wouldn't have been reached due to the language barrier. Keep it up!


On Twitter

This is great! We need this, eagerly waiting.

Vinit Upadhyay

On LinkedIn

One video, many languages, multiple audiences.

TransDub helps you translate and dub any kind of video. Publish once, translate many times.

Podcasts & interviews

TransDub works well with podcast and interview videos where there are multiple speakers.

Detect multiple speakers automatically

Assign a different voice to each speaker, so the dubbed conversation feels more natural. TransDub works well with upto 10 speakers.

Natural human-like voices

TransDub uses natural, human-sounding voices to dub your videos.

Corporate training & user manuals

Scale your corporate training & user manual / training videos internationally without the added cost of a translation and dubbing team.

29+ languages and counting

TransDub supports most major languages. Create user manual videos once in English, and publish them in every customer's own language.

Translated transcripts / SRT

Easily caption your videos with direct exports for translated transcripts and SRTs.

Educational videos & lectures

Selling online courses? Making science accessible to all with your educational videos? TransDub can help you reach a wider audience.

Publish directly to YouTube

With TransDub, you can import from, and publish directly to YouTube.

Connect multiple YouTube channels

Most creators run a separate channel for each language, and TransDub supports uploading each language video to the correct channel.

Unlock more audiences at the click of a button. Join the waitlist today!

Big on reach, small on your pocket.

Choose a plan that works for you. Saves thousands on hiring and managing a media localization team.

swipe to see more pricing options


per month



per month

Free usage
25 minutes1 minute
Additional usage
$3 / minute
Automatic transcription
Automatic translation
Clone your own voice
Export without TransDub watermark
Languages supported
Speaker identification
Up to 10 speakersUp to 2 speakers
Join the WaitlistJoin the Waitlist

Finally, I can reach out to a greater audience.

Himanshu Khaitan

On Twitter

Useful tool! I've seen many YouTubers doing the voiceover mechanically, this tool will def make their lives easier :)


On Twitter

Reach international audiences with ease. Join the waitlist today!